Seattle Bride's Best Bar Service and Best New Vendor
/Guys, I️ don’t know if you know/care/remember this but we won Seattle Bride Magazine's best of Bride!!!
We were voted the best new vendors in the Seattle wedding industry, AND the best bar service.
Let that sink in. I know I still am!!!
I know, it was a while ago, but pardon me, i am just catching up on sleep/life after the busy season! We won in BOTH of the two categories we were nominated for, best bar service and best new vendor. The night of the awards I️ was on my couch in maternity sweatpants nursing a brand spanking new baby. I️ had a single glass of wine and went to bed at 9. I️ followed the party via friendors instastories and loved seeing their cute dresses and smiling faces as they won. I️ went to bed happy. Tired as a mother cuz of the 2 week old baby and all, but happy. Funny thing was, no one told me we had won until the next morning. I found out via instagram eventually, because I️ got a congratulations message after congratulating another winner. I️ couldn’t believe it, I️ was so elated! And tired. But elated!
A lovely human (Cheyenne Gillooly) sent me this video and I️ wanted to finally share it with all of you. I️ also want to send belated congrats out to all the nominees in every category- we all work our tails off in this crazy events industry and I️ salute you! I️ raise my one glass of wine to you, and I️ go to bed at 9 o’clock. Cuz I’m tired as a mother, still.
And, I very humbly but enthusiastically ask you all- will you please vote for us again?
Please please please vote for us for Best of Bride 2018!
You can do so right here:
Voting closes February 16th so please take a moment to go and cast your vote for some of the wildly talented vendors we have here in our area!
100 thank you's!
- Belinda
The breathtakingly beautiful reason why we missed the party. 9 day old Photo by Angela of This Little Pic Photography